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Ploughman’s Lunch for Two

Oi blog image x cms-old-inn

For the Scotch Egg


• 2 free range hen eggs

• 200g sausage meat

• 200g plain flour

• 1 egg

• 200ml whole milk

• 200g panko breadcrumbs



1. Put the 2 free range eggs into boiling water and boil for 4 minutes then put into cold water to cool quickly

2. Meanwhile in 3 separate bowls, you need bowl 1 the flour, bowl 2 whisk the 1 egg with the milk, bowl 3 the panko crumbs

3. When eggs have cooled, peel and first coat the eggs with the flour then into the egg wash and lastly into the panko crumbs

4. Leave aside to deep fry later


For the Gammon


• 200g gammon slipper

• 2 cloves

• 1 orange

• 1 tablespoon of sugar



1. Steep the gammon overnight in cold water in the fridge to get rid of some of the sulfites

2. Next day wash off the gammon in cold water and put into large pot, cover with lots of fresh water add the remaining ingredients and boil for approximately 1.5 hours or until tender and breaking away. When cooked leave to cool in the cooking liquor.

3. When gammon has completely cooled, remove excess fat, and tear into large chunks and leave aside.


You will also need:

• 200g of good cheddar cheese, smoked if you prefer

• Sourdough bread

• 1 baby gem lettuce cut in half and washed

• 100g of washed watercress

• Pickled vegetables

• Piccalilli

• Goose fat


To Prepare

1. Deep fry your egg for 3 minutes or until golden and crispy, leave to cool for a minute

2. Wash the gem and watercress

3. Cut the cheese into 4 even wedges

4. Slice the bread thickly smear with the goose fat and chargrill

5. Cut the eggs in half being careful not to loose all the runny yolk


To Plate

1. On each plate put half the watercress and baby gem

2. 2 large tablespoons of the pickled vegetables

3. 2 halves of the scotch egg

4. 2 of the cheese wedges

5. A good portion of the pulled gammon

6. Heaped tablespoon of the piccalilli

7. 2 chunky slices of the goose fat charred bread Serve and enjoy!

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