Meet Tara - World Wellness Weekend Ambassador of Ireland


Tell us about World Wellness Weekend.

World Wellness Weekend (20th – 22nd September 2024) aims to inspire and empower people to make healthier choices and enjoy an active lifestyle with family and friends. I have been appointed Ireland’s ambassador for World Wellness Weekend and am championing a morning of fun, free activities across Galgorm Collection, that have been designed to rejuvenate your body and soul.


Now tell us about yourself.

The best time to get up at the weekend is?

My typical weekend starts on a Sunday as I tend to work a Saturday — this is when I get most of my work completed due to a quieter office space. Sunday morning is not so much a lie in as once my eyes open, I can rarely lie on. I also have a dog that is normally staring at me to get up and get him outside. Early morning is my favourite time, I like to sit and embrace the quiet time with a coffee.


Breakfast or brunch?

Oh, what a question. When I am working it is overnight oats with blueberries and some chia seeds as it is easy to prepare the night before. When I’m not working, breakfast is a little later and normally some eggs with toast; however, I never say no to brunch especially with a glass of bubbles and my friends — if we can ever get together.


What does an ideal Saturday look like?

My Saturday is a workday so when I get home it is out with the dog, quick shower and chill with my son and my partner, glass of wine, some nice food and then a movie. On occasion it is out for a meal. I always think I would want to go out but in reality, it is home to chill at the end of a busy day.


What would your perfect Sunday be like?

When I get up, I like to sit with a coffee, catch up on the news then it’s out for a long walk with the dog and his dog cousins. Then it’s catching up on the normal things which comes with a house. I like to have ideally a late lunch with a glass of wine, read a book, or if I can, meet with family or friends. Self-care is important and I am trying to practice this more, so maybe a relaxing bath and a little pampering.


Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

Outdoors, always. I don’t care what the weather is like. I love the beach, it’s definitely my happy place. I love water and being near it so if I can, walks along the coast and then onto the beach all wrapped up. Recently a group of us from work embarked on some team bonding and went to an outdoor water park — now that was fun.


How have weekends changed as you have gotten older?

Most of my life’s weekends have involved work, so if I were to go out it was normally during the week where it is quieter. I do prefer to have dinner and drinks with friends than stand at a bar. Back when I was a lot younger — which is a while ago — my local would have been McSwiggins or Gillies bar, it seems a little ironic given that I work for Galgorm Collection.


If you could eat out anywhere tonight in NI, where would you go and why?

Indian all the way. I love spicy food and the taste for me is superb. The local Kyber restaurant in Galgorm is amazing and staff are super friendly.


What would you have?

Chicken Madras with a naan bread and a glass of red wine. At weekends you’ll always make time to… Take time for me. Make sure my dog gets a very long walk, clean the house and do something for myself. As my partner works away, if he is home then head to the cinema, see friends together and make sure my gorgeous son updates me on all he is doing.


Do you sometimes work at weekends?

In my role at Galgorm, I typically work Saturdays and it’s safe to say my work is incredibly important to me. Having worked at Galgorm Collection for over 12 years, I’ve been afforded many opportunities to progress in my career and I’m always striving to pursue the next project at Galgorm.


Who would you most like to go for a drink with and why?

My father. He passed away five years ago but he always listened to me and gave advice and the best hugs ever. Although, he didn’t drink, so it’ll be a sparkling water for him.


Are you a weekend cook?

Ask my son Zak and I’m sure he would say ‘no’. He does love to cook and bless him; he makes me dinner regularly. I am however known for a great roast beef dinner, but I have to confess that cooking is not something I overly enjoy.


What’s your dream Sunday dinner?

My sister Tracey’s turkey dinner with all the trimmings.


Who do you normally eat Sunday dinner with and where?

At home with my partner and son, with the dog waiting patiently for the leftovers.


Bedtime is?

I have to make sure the house is sitting tidy and my make-up is off before I can begin to wind down. Given the role I work in, I understand the importance of prioritising sleep as part of our overall wellbeing. Once the house is tidy and I have taken off my makeup, I can begin to wind down. Then it’s up to bed for a quick read then sleep. I am early to bed and up early, very rarely would I be up late.

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